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Bulk Update

The buld update API endpoint allows you to update multiple records in a schema. To update multiple records, you need to send a PUT request to the /api/content/{schema}/update endpoint with a filter query and the update data in the request body.

Update filter

The filter query is a JSON object that contains the filter conditions to select the records to update.


PUT /api/content/post/?filter={"name":{"$like":"%post01%"},"":{"$like":"%category01%"}}

For more information on the filter query, see the filter records documentation.


The bulk update API endpoint will update all records that match the filter query. Make sure to use the filter query carefully to avoid updating unintended records.

Update data

The update data is a JSON object that contains the field data to update or the update operations to perform.

Refer to the update record documentation for more information on the supported update operations and the update data format.


The bulk update API endpoint returns the number of records updated in the response body.

Released under the MIT License.