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Resource Meta

The metas parameter is optional, if specified, the first meta object in the list will be used as the resource's metadata.

The meta object contain additional information about the resource.

HTTP Methods

A single resource can support multiple HTTP endpoints/methods. You can specify the HTTP methods that the resource supports using the following properties:

meta := &fs.Meta{
  Get: "/getmethod",
  Head: "/headmethod",
  Post: "/postmethod",
  Put: "/putmethod",
  Delete: "/deletemethod",
  Patch: "/patchmethod",
  Options: "/optionsmethod",
  Connect: "/connectmethod",
  Trace: "/tracemethod",

Ignore methods

FastSchema need to check if a resource has support for a specific method.

If a method have path set to an empty string, it will be ignored.

meta := &fs.Meta{
  Get: "/getmethod",
  Post: "",

If you are planning to use the resource for the root path, you can set the path to /

meta := &fs.Meta{
  Get: "/",


Specify the prefix that the resource should be registered under.

meta := &fs.Meta{
  Prefix: "/api/v1",


The Args property is a map of query parameters that the resource accepts. Each key in the map is the name of the query parameter, and the value is an Arg object that contains information about the query parameter.

meta := &fs.Meta{
  Get: "/search",
  Args: fs.Args{
    "search": fs.Arg{
      Type:        fs.TypeString,
      Required:    true,
      Description: "Search query",
      Example:     "Hello",
    "limit": fs.Arg{
      Type:        fs.TypeInt,
      Description: "Limit the number of items to return",
      Example:     10,


The Public flag indicates whether the resource is public or requires authentication. By default, resources are not public.

meta := &fs.Meta{
  Public: true,

Released under the MIT License.