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FastSchema provides a set of testing utilities that can be used to test your FastSchema application.


The logger package provides a mock implementation of the logger.Logger interface that can be used for testing.

It supports recording log messages and checking if a specific log message was recorded.

mockLogger := logger.CreateMockLogger()

By default, the mock logger prints log messages to the console. You can disable this behavior by passing a true value to the CreateMockLogger function to suppress console output.

The mock logger provides an additional method Last that returns the last log message recorded. You can use this method to check for the correctness of the log messages.

type MockLoggerMessage struct {
	Type   string `json:"type"`
	Params []any  `json:"params"`

func (m MockLoggerMessage) String() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("%s: %v", m.Type, m.Params)

func (l *MockLogger) Last() MockLoggerMessage


The database package provides a mock implementation of the db.Client interface that can be used for testing.


The NewTestClient function creates a new test client that uses an in-memory SQLite database. The test client can be used to test the behavior of the database client without connecting to a real database.

NewTestClient function returns a db.Client interface that can be used to interact with the in-memory database.


A helper function that creates a mock adapter for the database. The mock adapter does not connect to a real database and use sqlmock to simulate database interactions.

We can use it for testing the generated SQL queries and the behavior of the database client.


Thanks to the GoFiber framework, the restfulresolver package is compatible with the net/http/httptest package, enabling you to test HTTP handlers effectively.

Test(req *http.Request, msTimeout (resp *http.Response, err error)

The Test method create a test connection to the HTTP handler and returns the response.


sb, _ := schema.NewBuilderFromDir(t.TempDir(), fs.SystemSchemaTypes...)
db, _ := entdbadapter.NewTestClient(
  utils.Must(os.MkdirTemp("", "migrations")),

toolService := toolservice.New(&testApp{sb: sb, db: db})
resources := fs.NewResourcesManager()
  Add(fs.Get("stats", func(c fs.Context, _ any) (any, error) {
    return "stats", nil

assert.NoError(t, resources.Init())
server := restfulresolver.NewRestfulResolver(

req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/tool/stats", nil)
resp := utils.Must(server.Test(req))
defer func() { assert.NoError(t, resp.Body.Close()) }()
assert.Equal(t, 200, resp.StatusCode)
response := utils.Must(utils.ReadCloserToString(resp.Body))
assert.Contains(t, response, `stats`)

Released under the MIT License.