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Directory structure

At the first run, FastSchema will create the following directory structure:

. // The root directory
└── data
    ├── .env
    ├── fastschema.db
    ├── logs
    │   └── app.log
    ├── migrations
    │   ├── 20240524115604_changes.down.sql
    │   ├── 20240524115604_changes.up.sql
    │   └── atlas.sum
    ├── public
    └── schema
  • .env: The environment file contains the application configuration.
  • fastschema.db: The SQLite database file.
  • logs: The directory contains log files.
  • migrations: Used to store database migration files.
    • *.up.sql: The SQL file to upgrade the database schema.
    • *.down.sql: The SQL file to downgrade the database schema.
  • public: Used to store application uploads.
  • schema: Used to store schema JSON files.

Released under the MIT License.