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Resource Resolver

In FastSchema, Client requests don't go directly to the Resource. Instead, they are routed by a resolver, which directs the request to the appropriate Resource.

Currently, FastSchema uses a RestfulResolver, which routes requests based on the HTTP method and path. In the future, additional resolvers, such as a GraphQL resolver, may be introduced.

Restful Resolver

The package is a built-in resolver that routes requests based on the HTTP method and path. It is the default resolver for FastSchema.

It's built on top of the GoFiber for fast and efficient routing.

Create Restful Resolver

func NewRestResolver(
	resourceManager *fs.ResourcesManager,
	logger logger.Logger,
	staticFSs ...*fs.StaticFs,
) *RestSolver

To create a new RestfulResolver, you need to provide a ResourceManager and a Logger. Optionally, you can also provide a list of StaticFs to serve static files.

RestfulResolver will create a new web server, populate it with routes based on the resources in the ResourceManager, and start the server.


The RestResolver has the following methods:

  • Server() *Server: Returns the underlying GoFiber server.
  • Start(address string) error: Starts the server on the specified port.
  • Shutdown() error: Stops the server.

Released under the MIT License.